The sure thing: 5 signs your online date is a good un’


There are definite stages to online dating and the key one is the step from sending each other a bunch of flirty messages online to the one where you suggest meeting up face-to-face. It’s often a good idea to do this sooner rather than later, mainly because you just can’t fake physical chemistry, however good your online banter, but how do you know if your date is really into you – or sending similar messages to ten other people while you communicate? Is it time to break out that first date outfit? Here are the top five signs:

1. They get back to you pretty quickly: If your online messages and texts are getting ignored for a few days on end, proceed with caution. If someone is interested in getting to know you, they will make an effort to be in touch. Simple.

2. They seem upfront and honest: If you ask questions – be it about their work, family and hobbies and get what seems like honest and straightforward answers, this is a good sign. If someone is evasive and mysterious online, it might be a sign they are hiding something.

3. They don’t go on about their ex: While the subject of relationship history might come up as early as the messaging stage, if they repeatedly talk about their ex or other dates, they are either just playing the field or not over their ex. Back away now!

4. They don’t talk about sex all the time: While it is good to have some flirty fun, someone who talks constantly about sex is probably not looking for a long-lasting romance and is probably more up for a short-term encounter. If they are rushing you to meet up for reasons other than having drink, or a normal first date, then be careful.

5. They ask lots of questions: This is an obvious one really but the first few messages are key when it comes to establishing stuff you might have in common. Have they asked you enough questions about yourself and has the chat been a balanced one? If so, this is a good sign they are keen and that a first date would be a positive one, rather than a one-sided conversation.

So what are you waiting for? Go get ’em!

Do you think there are any other signs that an online date is worth meeting?

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