Men are often known for being quieter and more thoughtful than the girls and while women know what they should never tell their men, what secrets do men keep from their girlfriends? Plenty, if you’re asking me.

Is he the strong silent type… or just a man?
When I asked my friend Jake about this, he listed a load of stuff and then claimed he never told his girlfriend some stuff because he didn’t want her to think he was “a pathetic loser”.
We looked more closely at the topic and compiled a list of things you won’t hear emerging from a man’s mouth anytime soon:
I love using Crème De Mer
Testosterone prevents us from admitting it but us guys love that stuff – from face cream, to body scrub, to tweezers and bath oil. If our girlfriends think their favourite beauty products are disappearing quickly, that’s because they are.
I’m selfish
Yes I love you and my mum (most of the time) but at the moment I just want to think about what I’m going to eat for dinner tonight and if the football/rugby/a decent film is on the tv.
I hate my nose/tummy/hairy toes
You may think it’s just the female species that insecure but men have body hang-ups too – men just hide it better and don’t go on and on and on about it.
I’d love it if you paid sometimes
We know girls like to be doted upon with drinks, wine, dinner and flowers but men like to be treated once in a while. Being a man takes a lot of energy and from time to time, they need a rest from hunter-gathering, y’know.
I want to be on my own
Not forever or all the time but once in a while just to hang out with friends and talk about nothing much. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t love his girlfriend any less but it’s important and in the long term, will make the relationship better.
Guys, anything else to add? Tell us @lovestruck