Co-sleeping isn’t always the romantic ideal it might seem – between snoring, duvet hogging and your other-half doing starfish impersonations, blissful shut-eye isn’t always on the cards. However, it has...
Ahh, the world of celebrities and their complex relationships. Some of them seem to have even more complicated dating lives than us but it seems they have gleamed a few...
“Yes, you sir, the single one in the blue shirt…oh sorry, madam!” Got a date? Forget the small talk and get your questionnaire’s ready instead for a study has revealed...
“I’ll have what she’s having…” It may be January and some of us are on a health kick but when it comes to going for dinner dates, ordering dessert is...
Do you ever hassle your partner about putting out the bins? Tidying up after himself? Picking wet towels off the bedroom floor? Cutting down on his drinking? Guys, do you...
Ladies, do you ever find that when you are chatting to your partners, they have a glazed look in their eye? Now, a new study has shown something that us...
Happy Christmas strucker’s!! Hope Santa brought all you wished for? We thought we’d compile a list of fun and interesting facts, so after you have pulled your cracker and tucked...
Did you know that between Boxing Day and the New Year is the busiest time for online dating? Not only does user activity increase but we have a huge increase...
We all know it is both important and healthy to spend time away from our significant other, doing fun stuff, seeing our own friends and generally being independent. However, a...
‘So Bridget, why are you still single?” If you’re always the odd one out at dinner parties and all your friends are coupled up, you can blame your DNA. According...