At Lovestruck we’re often giving words of advice on what to put in your profile to make it pop. Best photos, best tone of voice, most popular words to use...
We live in a fast paced digital world and we’re loving it. We have everything at our hard working fingertips; social media channels to communicate how fab our lives are...
Wimbledon returns today! Two weeks of ‘Murray Mania’ followed by a fortnight of fully booked out tennis courts, rocketing sales in tennis gear and nobody actually sniggering when men talk...
So we were chatting to someone the other day, we’ll call her *Jane, and she said, ‘I met a lovely guy on Lovestruck but he puts emojis on everything. Dump...
“Dear Lovestruck, I’m a bit love-stuck. So many people date online now, how do I stand out and find true love?” Dear Love-stuck, here are our top tried and tested...
Guys and gals are meant to be different but don’t you sometimes wish they’d ‘get you’ by now? Check out what the opposite sex wish you knew, then download to...
Do you ever catch yourself fondly watching an older couple who are obviously as much in love now as they were 50 years ago? Do you sigh and think how...
Life is all about compromise, right? We always hear it said about relationships don’t we, ‘You have to compromise you know!’ and yes, to a certain extent a little give...