Fallen off the diet wagon already? Fear not. Scientists say sex counts as exercise! If you’re anything like us, January started with great intentions and now that five-day a week...
So it’s January and the time of new starts and rejuvenation. As well as giving your love life a kickstart, are you thinking about overhauling your diet? We’ve listed some...
It’s the heart of what romantic comedies are made of but can a ‘friends with benefits’ situation ever work? My friends have experienced both sides of the coin on this...
Here at Lovestruck we always try to bring you the best ideas when it comes to exciting, unusual or different dates. However, from time to time we like to see...
Writer’s block? The page is blank and has been for five minutes. You write something, then delete it, write something else, your hands start sweating and you then delete that…....
Lovestruckers, have you kissed some frogs? C’mon, we’re all friends here. It’s fine to admit that that guy at Uni had funny hair and bad breath, or that girl you...
They say bald is beautiful and a good thing too, because up to 50 per cent of men have a bare bonce. Think Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel and Jason Statham...
First there was the rom-com ’27 Dresses’ now, according to psychologist and relationship expert Martyn Stewart, there are ’27 types of men’ and the traits of each one will determine...
You may be aware that the Rugby World Cup is this weekend – a bone crunching 6 week festival of super tackles, power and pace. These guys are something (girls...
So Valentine’s Day is here and whether you think it is an excuse for shops to pedal cards, chocs and flowers or the perfect way to show your other half...