7 proven tips to find love online


Dear Lovestruck,

I’m a bit love-stuck. So many people date online now, how do I stand out and find true love?”

Dear Love-stuck, here are our top tried and tested tips..good luck!

1. Alphabet Sweet: Usernames really count. Studies have shown a username that starts with a letter from the first half of the alphabet will do better than letters from the latter half of the alphabet. Why? No idea, but normally it’s because we are programmed to pay more attention to things at the ‘top of the pile.’

2. Name of the game: Men are attracted to names with a physical reference and women to names that hint at intelligence. For example: BrightEyes or CheekyGrin may attract guys, and TheatreBuff and ArtLover might attract the ladies. Avoid any reference to stud and muffin/porn and star…

3. Word up: A study of 12,000 online dating profiles proved that the following words attract the most attention when used in your profile. Sprinkle a few into your profile narrative…er, but not all in one sentence:

Men like the words: Physically fit, ambitious, perceptive, passionate, optimistic and funny.

Women like the words: Sweet, ambitious, thoughtful, spontaneous, physically fit and funny.

4. Don’t be a robot: Guys, while it’s true women love an assertive fella, showing a little vulnerability and honesty really tugs at the heartstrings. If women are unsure of your photo, they are more likely than men to give you a second chance if your profile narrative appeals. Something like: ‘OK, I’ve not done this before, I’m a little nervous but here goes…” A reference to genuinely liking animals shows you have a caring side and mentioning you love taking a niece or nephew to the park shows you’re prime breeding material later on…

5. Dump the ego: Don’t declare your undying love for material things like a Rolex, it’s shallow and smacks of poor taste, frankly. And don’t brag or roll off a list of flash things you’ve done ‘cos you think it will impress. You can mention you enjoyed seeing X but why not say you’d still like to do or see Y. This will reassure your potential date that any ego still leaves room for them in your world.

6. Picture perfect: Posed torso (guys) and bikini (gals) shots are a no-no, even if you’re buff. It suggest you’re more into the gym than anything else. Killer smiles are key but boy they are hard to perfect. Too toothy and you look gormless. Too eager and you look cheesy. Too contrived and you look desperate. We suggest you smile small and natural but mostly through your eyes. Go for approachable with a hint of twinkle and beckon them into your world…

7. In it to win it: Treat your love finding mission like a second job. Be active online, wink, message, and date date date! Like the lottery, the more you do it, the more likely you are to win, something. Unlike the lottery, your chances of finding love online are considerably higher…worth a play we say!

We’re all rootin’ for ya!

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